COMING SOON: Love Notes - An eBook by E.Payne
I've finally decided to throw my hat in the eBook ring. Love Notes will be available for download just in time for Valentine's Day.Love Notes is easiest described as a neat and tidy collection of poems and short stories concentrating on the elusive and insanity causing thing called love --- of course, from the male perspective.
Stay tuned for updates. The most important being it will be available for download right HERE!
In the meantime, please feel free to share, email forward, FB, tweet and retweet (with the hashtag #LoveNotes), FriendFeed, GetGlue, YouTube or whatever it is you do when doing you via the Internet. Talking with someone about it also an option... Just a thought.
Also, let me know what you think of the cover above. Over a year ago I was blessed to capture the kiss of the two lovers featured on it while snapping pics of the Hudson River at the Yonkers Waterfront. I've looked at my shots of them again and again and thought to myself, "How random?" Now in 2011 this random picture is falling into place as a piece of a much bigger picture.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.
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