Let's Connect & Stay Tuned For Fathers Day
Things are getting pretty busy around here: summer stuff with the kids, a sudden spike in this blog's attention, my own continual and exhausting search for a viable, and meaningful revenue stream in this economy, the NBA Finals and the HEAT (not Miami)! Where I live it's been over 90 degrees for 10+ straight. I'm drinking 72 ounces of water per day to fight off the exhaustion and delirium that comes from being in the heat (it should go without saying that my trips to the restroom have increased also, but the benefits of drinking water are worth it).
I just wanted to remind you all of the different ways you can connect to this site and it's related products and services via the wonders of the Internet and social media. This also includes those of you who visit/browse, but don't comment.
This is my RSS Feed, the quickest, cleanest way to stay tuned in to
If you feel you need to catch up on what's written here please visit my Archive where you'll find 690+ post written by yours truly.
Follow me on Facebook where you can dig into discussions, read news, and get updates on contests and information that I don't mention here.
Read, Tweet and ReTweet or whatever you like with me over at Twitter.
I've got videos for days (a couple anyway) over at my YouTube Page.
I like to take pictures. Out of the thousands I've taken so far I have a hundred or so up on Flickr.
And if you Kindle, for just a few cents a day you can read this blog on your device.
To learn a little more about me and the books I've published to date, click on my Author Page.
To learn more about the little book I'm publishing for and about Dads click DAD: As Easy As A, B, C!
Next week I'll be releasing my gift guide for DAD, maybe a contest of two, and am looking forward to featuring some everyday dads here on the blog. Finally, if you happen to be someone who still listens to the radio I'm scheduled to be a guest on the Michael Baisden Show on Tuesday afternoon.
Enjoy the weekend. Stay hydrated...
E.Payne is the author of the soon to be released DAD: As Easy As A, B, C! and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.