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I've been bad. I've been neglecting the blog. Last week, I told you all I would post a few things this week. But I only managed to post about my newest book on fatherhood.
It's been a tough week...
Besides my own personal war to stay positive and faithful and strong for my family in the face of our currently financial crisis. I released the book and was fortunate to be interviewed on an internet radio show. but, my daughter took ill in the midst of all this to the point of wheezing and being short of breath. As an allergy sufferer who has experienced bronchitis and allergy induced asthma attacks, I take not being able to breathe personally. I take a child not being able to breathe as being some sinister curse from the powers of evil. My child not being able to breathe...let's just say I wasn't the most pleasant person to be around while we got her all fixed up. Plus, the fiasco that was her initial doctor's visit was...well a fiasco. The story will have to be put in queue behind my Father's Day Fiasco.
Now my little one is all fixed up and a day later her brother high tailed it out of the ATL for our native New York to spend the rest of the summer with his grandpa. But he isn't going to party (only), he's got a job there. So there was a whole lot of last minute running around for working papers, physicals and the like b why on Earth would a teen be concerned enough about themselves to make sure their ducks are all lined up? But he's a teen and I understand this.
Not to mention my car is in the shop and I'm almost scared to find out what's wrong with it.
In an effort to provide myself with some therapy I went to see Transformers: Dark Side of The Moon...AWESOME! I also treated myself and the family to some well deserved Chinese food. Then propped myself up at a Mashable Meetup event and did my best to network when all I wanted to do is sleep --- something I haven't been doing.
Point is, this was a week that required me to shift gears repeatedly to get the job done. And the one thing that will always suffer when I've got real stuff to do is...this blog.
But in looking at this blog, the content is current and relevant but it is need of some dire maintenance. Thank God it's the 4th of July weekend and hopefully all of you will be outside enjoying your families, or at least some good food and drink. Hopefully next Tuesday or Wednesday when you all return to your desktops and laptops you'll notice some very subtle, but very necessary changes here and on the social networking sites that have evolved from here.
Have a wonderful, safe and Happy Fourth!
E.Payne is the author of DAD: As Easy As A, B, C! and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.