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REVIEW: Febreze Set & Refresh

Let's face facts if you read my blog you're doing so because you can relate to some if not all of what I write. One thing I think we can all relate to is living in either a home or apartment. As someone who's done both I can say my least favorite part of the places we all call home is The Can and the odors that hang out there. I'm not talking about those odors that come about as a result of natural functions. Fortunately those pass...eventually. I'm talking about the damp odors that linger in towels and rugs and drains. No one has the time to clean the can everyday unless you have a maid or butler, neither of which I do, so room fresheners will have to do.

Febreze has a new option I can live with in the form of the Febreze Set & Refresh. I appreciate the fact that it doesn't have to be plugged in, which would hog up one of the two necessary outlets (if not more as most do) next to the bathroom mirror. It doesn't require batteries so you don't have to keep up any level of maintenance other than the oil refills that are completely mess-free and potent as all get out. So where did I opt to place this little box of flower-power to see if it lived up to the hype?

The Frebreze Set & Refresh is nice and compact (to the right of the faucet).

My teenage son's bathroom, of course!

An active athlete, a teenager and a boy who's convinced he has a perfect head of hair he showers constantly the bathroom. Before Febreze I had him running the bathroom fan 24/7. Now we still run the fan but the room blooms with a fresh scent that doesn't take away from his masculinity or make anyone sick in the process. To learn more, visit Febreze Set & Refresh online.

Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Dad Central Consulting on behalf of Febreze and received a Set & Refresh unit plus refills to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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