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How To Speak on Blogging and Social Media

On Friday of last week I boarded a plane and headed to New Orleans for the Niche Mommy Blogger Conference. I've attended social media conferences before, heck I host a monthly social media meetup, but this was my first blogger conference...and I was speaking, another first. And I was very nervous. I had the honor and pleasure of being on a panel with fellow bloggers and social media titans, Fred Goodall of MochaDad and Jeff Funk of Brand Dynamite. While I was there I was also able to shake the hand of Ted Rubin, a man I've known for some time online. Besides exuding intoxicating positivity, he is about as New York as a New Yorker can get. As soon as we met we hit it off as if we had known each other since the second grade. We romped around the French Quarter over the weekend.

But when it came time to work, Jeff, Fred and I got down to business and bared our individual souls about content and storytelling and how to give it your all.

The above video was put together by Jeff and just in case you're curious about my thoughts on how to create meaningful blog posts --- the stuff I hope I do here --- check out my presentation, otherwise known as a Prezi, below:

If you've got any questions about the conference or would like to set up a consultation on web content creation or if you have any other questions, just leave me a note in the comments here or contact me via the button at the top of the page.

Thanks for reading! Follow me on Twitter at @EPayneTheDad.

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