UPDATE: #WorkingOutAt40 Fitness Challenge
Since I announced I was committed to losing 10 more pounds via my workingoutat40 fitness challenge I have since been sidelined --- primarily by myself. Over two weekends back to back I spoke at a conference in new orleans and then went to virginia beach. Both places are known for their food and both places put me in chill mode. Couple that with me no longer being able to afford the boot camp where I worked out daily. Now I'm working out on my own a couple times a week. So over the course of 3 weeks I've lost approximately 2.5 pounds.
But I've got two more weeks to go...
Today at 7am I ran my first ever 5K and it was AWESOME! I got the chance to connect with so many friends, run alongside them and celebrate with them afterwards as hot sweaty messes --- some more than others (I'm speaking solely of myself). The amazing thing about the experience is that it was something I said I'd never do. I took this up on a dare and because of the cause behind it and now that I've done it I'm not certain there is anything I cannot do! For those of you perched on the ledge of "Should I" when it comes to something you're being challenged to do, I say GO FOR IT! I am changed forever today moving forward.
And last but not least, I'm happy to announce someone has taken up the challenge with me. His name is Ty and he is someone I went to high school and college with though we never talked much then. Like me he is forty but instead of losing weight he is looking to get to marathon/triathalon competition-ready and be able to do 25 pull-ups and live to tell about it.
Tonight I'll be going to sleep thinking: I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can...
I know I will.
Thanks for reading! Follow me on Twitter at @EPayneTheDad.