Black History Minute Monday: George Washingnton Carver & Other African American Inventors
"Dr. [George Washington] Carver died penniless and insane, still trying to play a phonograph record with a peanut. This has been 'Black History Minute.'"
- Professor Shabazz K. Morton a.k.a. Eddie Murphy
Growing up in my house, Black History Month was a huge deal. My father inundated me with information about the great African Amerian inventors of yesteryear and all the everyday inventions I barely noticed that had been invented by them. George Washington Carver (1864-1943) was just such an inventor. An agricultural chemist, he created hundreds upon hundreds of uses for peanuts and soybeans.
You can learn more about African American inventors' everyday contributions to society here.
You can learn more about African American inventors' everyday contributions to society here.
This Black History Minute Monday has been presented to you by E.Payne of
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