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Threesomes: An Update, Almost One Year Later

My Threesomes post got a lot of blog-love yesterday thanks to the good people over at Days Like These.

It's almost been a year since that fateful day, April 28, 2008, when I decided to write about the madness in my bedroom. My Threesomes post would change the course of this blog, heading it in the direction to where it stands today.

Nowadays, babygirl rarely comes into my bed --- only when she's not feeling well or can't sleep at all --- maybe 5 or 6 times a month at the most. These 5 or 6 days have no rhyme or reason. Sometimes they're in succession, but it's mostly at random. A Tuesday here, a Saturday there.

I welcome the visits from my wee one, even though I still get punched, kicked and headbutted in the middle of the night. Nothing is more empowering than having your young cling to you for protection and care.

Now, my wife may disagree with me on this one because I don't get up in the middle of the night like she does when babygirl comes to join us. But I make up for it by letting her sleep in on the weekends. It's a tradeoff, just like everything else is when it comes to living under one roof with the person you've chosen and the people you've made.

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