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Mommy's Loving Day

Makes Me Wanna HollerMy daughter is settling back into her surroundings here in NYC and only mildly disappointed to see her home boxed and packed up as we prepare for our move in the next few days. She was walking down the hall and spotted a framed collage of pictures of my wife and I (including the inset picture) sitting on her brother's floor.

Daughter: Why is that picture on the floor?

Son: What picture?

Daughter: That picture of mommy's loving day...mommy and daddy's Loving Day?

Me (after coming down the hall): Is that what it's called?

Daughter: Yes, you and mommy's loving day.

I smiled. Out of the mouths of babes.

My loving day is a little more than a month away. Shout out to my friends, Ronnie and Lamar Tyler, the Dynamic Duo over at Black And Married With Kids dot-com who's Loving Day is today.

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