The Princess & The Frog - NYC Style!
In every little girl there is a princess.
In every father's heart should be the desire to love her with every fiber of his being.
The Princess & The Frog, starring Anika Noni Rose, is Disney's latest addition to their princess mythology set to the grand ole southern charm of New Orleans. They played it up in grand style with a limited engagement showing at the Ziegfeld Theatre in Manhattan followed up by the Ultimate Disney Experience at the Roseland Ballroom. We purchased our tickets at the beginning of last week for this past Saturday. The anticipation leading up to it began building over the course of the week until by Friday night, it was fever pitch --- for all of us, except my son, who wanted to see the movie but had no desire to meet any princesses. On the morning of, I was the first up at 7 am to get the party started. The movie's hand-drawn animation was outstanding; the story is as enchanting as any Disney pic. And the songs? In a word, infectious.
14 hours later, when we returned home, my back was shot, my wallet was bare and I was so tired I went to sleep in my clothes with no complaints from the wife. If I could, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.
And I had my camera with me the whole time... Oh, and turn your speakers up.
Thanks to Princess Tiana, my daughter will never have to stretch her childhood imagination beyond her own image to wonder what it might be to "look" like a princess. Nor will she ever grow disenchanted over the fact that there isn't a princess that doesn't speak to her and the women of her family.
No matter the shape, color, or creed, every little girl is a princess.
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