Do As I Do! Not As I Say!
As a parent do you insist that your kids watch their mouths?
But do you curse in front of them while you're telling them that?
As a parent do you tell your kids to share?
Then cut everyone off everyone trying to share the street with you while you drive?
As a parent do you tell your children what god to believe in?
But then never speak of that god and never take them to church?
As a parent do you insist that they do the best job possible at school and in sports?
But then complain at the dinner table that you just "give up" at work?
As a parent do you want the best for your kids?
But then show them in your actions that you're okay with just getting by?
As parents we shouldn't feel like we're on candid camera or that big brother is watching. But guess who is watching? Baby Boy and Baby Girl? They're watching and they're determining what they should do themselves in each and every one of the above situations and so many more. Not based on what you say, but rather WHAT YOU DO.
Watch your back! Watch your front! CYA! Not for your sake. For both your sake and the sakes of your children!
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