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Makes Me Wanna Holler & The 2010 Black Weblog Awards

Well it's that time of year again...nomination time for the 2010 Black Weblog Awards. Last year I was a finalist in the Best Parenting Blog category. An admirable finish for a first time parenting blogger. But this year I've opted to take a different route.

Over and over again, you, my ever-supportive readers, have commented to me about the quality of my writing --- its candidness and it's depth. After I reviewed the categories this year I personally opted not add this blog's name to the Best Parenting Blog category. If there should ever come a day when there is a Best Dad Blog category, maybe. But until then, the moms have the parenting category on lock. Call me pessimistic. I call it as I see it.

Truthfully as this is merely a nominating period, feel free to nominate my blog for whatever you like, should you choose to nominate me at all. However, if you would be so kind, I'm asking that you nominate me for the 2010 Black Weblog Awards in the following two categories (both, not just one).

  1. Best Personal Blog
  2. Best Writing In A Blog
If you didn't notice the link above that takes you to the nomination page, then please click here.

We'll see how it all shakes out when the finalists in each category are announced on July 25th.

Thanks! And have a happy & safe July 4th!

Want to get more day to day, hour to hour musings from E.Payne? Then please "Like" the Makes Me Wanna Holler Facebook Page and join the movement. You won't be disappointed.

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