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Solace For the Unemployed

I was at a prayer meeting this past Tuesday evening, believe it or not. It was my second time actually. And for the second Tuesday in a row the group put out a massive group prayer for the Unemployed. A prayer for their well-being, physically, mentally and spiritually. A prayer for their deliverance despite what is said in the news and reported in the monthly unemployment numbers. This groups' prayers also asked for understanding amongst their spouses and family members and friends. That these loved ones abstain from judging these individuals who are under so much daily stress and who knows how close to their breaking points.

Let's hope and pray that none of these people --- men, women, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, loved ones --- reach that point.

You Can Endure

But there is a way to endure in the meantime, in between time. One thing I've discovered in the past couple of weeks is that the mystery of life is that it is right in front of you. People spend so much time pondering the unknown that they miss that life is staring them in the face. Yes, opportunities might await you down the road or around the corner. Yes, you don't know where you'll be a week or year from now. But how about this:




Now you might not have that much cash on hand. You might even be flat broke, but don't let money make you a prisoner in your home. Here's a shortlist of things you can do to take control of your life:

  • Volunteer somewhere you've always wanted to volunteer. (Who knows who you might meet? Who knows who might be impressed with the work you do? Who knows?)

  • Exercise. If you have a membership that is getting no traction then give it some traction. If you don't have the funds to go to the gym physically get off your behind, walk out of the door of your home and walk, jog, run your favorite neighborhood route or that park you always wanted to go to when you had no time because you were always working. If you have a rusty bike, trust me, get some WD-40, spray that sucker down and hit the road. No one is paying attention to the fact that you look like you should be an extra in Breaking Away.

  • Love all the moments you have with family and friends. If they won't go to you then go to them. Bridge the gaps, make the time (you have it), talk out your feelings with people who, believe it or not are in your life just waiting for you to come to them.

  • Make new friends. Stumble off the street into a church full of people you've never met and have a breakdown (for various reasons) like I did a week ago. When people invite you out to the next meeting, picnic, baseball game, barbecue...GO! Don't make excuses to sit at home, be miserable and ponder what could be.

What could be is happening...right in front of you. You've just got to open your eyes to see it. And open your hearts to embrace it.

To be continued...

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