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News Release: Eric Payne Named to Top 50 Daddy Blogger List

The elation has finally settled from my discovery last night that I have been listed on Cision Blog's Top 50 Daddy Bloggers. I was so excited at the time that I didn't even cringe at the word "Daddy" similar to "Mommy." Hearing "Daddy" from anyone other than my daughter disturbs me for some reason. Maybe I feel it makes the job sound infantile considering I have a teenage son, have epic Lord of the Ring type battles with my wife and spend a lot of my time doing my best to inspire the socks off my readers.

Maybe it's just me.

Cision makes their determination based on some currently being politely contestedTwitter metrics that I won't bother explaining here. I'm just happy I got listed to something. Out of the 50 listed I fall in as Number 31. Not too too shabby. I am happy to be included amongst friends, such as PJ Mullen of Real Men Drive Minivans, Jason Mayo of Jason Mayo is Outnumbered and Fred Goodall of Mocha Dad who viciously snatched the Number 9 spot from me. Remember I said I'm ranked number 31... And because each of them are ahead of me in the rankings I will not be linking to them today.

That's right. I'm hating.

So how did we celebrate last night here at the House of Payne? My wife gave me a hug as she read over my shoulder reading the results with me. My daughter did cartwheels in the living room (okay, she was already doing cartwheels before I found out). And my son provided the most valuable comment. When my wife told him (using the word "Daddy" a word he does not use) he shrugged his shoulders, unimpressed and said, "I don't really care, that's not my per se."

[Insert sound of vinyl record skipping then scratching then a very long awkward pause]

I think for a moment my feelings were legitimately hurt. My wife scolded him for being so insensitive. My mind, always working, fed these words to my mouth:

"Well driving you all across the state to play basketball may not be my cup of tea, per se, but I do it anyway because you are my son and I support you...you...(I opted not to finish my thought).

He spent the rest of the evening insisting that he supported me and slipping in requests for money here and there. And now here we are in the middle of Thursday afternoon celebrating my being a Top 50 "Daddy" Blogger, although I am a Dad & Lifestyle Blogger, per se.

Thanks to all of you who keep coming back here to read this stuff. I wouldn't have any Klout at all were it not for your support!

E.Payne is the author of the soon to be released DAD: As Easy As A, B, C! and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna Holler.com. To learn more, click here.

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