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On Being DAD

Baby Girl & I, Year One.

Becoming a father is EASY. Elevating your experience to that of DAD is something else entirely.

It isn't easy and sometimes it might not even be considered enjoyable, but it isn't written anywhere that it should be. But no matter what, for the sake of your family and our collective communities at large, it's 100% worth it. Dig in! Stay in!

DAD: As Easy As A, B, C!
will be hitting Amazon.com Kindle store on Tuesday, June 21st. In the meantime please enjoy the first 25 pages posted below.

Thank you and Happy Father's Day!!!

DAD: As Easy As A, B, C!

E.Payne is the author of the soon to be released DAD: As Easy As A, B, C! and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna Holler.com. To learn more, click here.

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