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September Is World Alzheimer's Month

It's late in the day and as of right now the fate of Troy Davis has the nation and our beloved media at a standstill. And all of it weighs very heavy on my heart and soul. At the same time I'd be remiss not to mention a cause very near and dear to me. September is World Alzheimer's Month. Alzheimer's is a disease that has effected a noticeable number of my family members. Before their passing, it has robbed them of their 80+ year histories, reducing them to being without their mental faculties. Today, September 21st is Alzheimer's Action Day. Take a moment to learn about this disease. If it has effected you, your loved ones or someone you know and/or their loved ones you can take a stand. How, you might be asking yourself? Check out the video below:

Go Purple!

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