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October 11 Is International Day of the Girl

Today in 2012, is the first-ever International Day of the Girl...

As the father of a girl and knowing that my wife was once a girl everyday is Day of the Girl. I can't imagine any harm coming to either of them. But harm comes to girls every day.

Marriage should be a time for celebration and joy – unless you are one of the 60 million girls around the world forced into marriage before the age of 18.

Imagine the life those girls — who are 7, 10 or even 16 years of age — endure. Child brides have a diminished chance of completing their education and are at a higher risk of being physically abused, contracting HIV and other diseases, and dying while pregnant or giving birth.

But it doesn't have to be this way. Help end child marriage visit: http://www.care.org/getinvolved/international-day-of-the-girl/index.asp

Thanks for reading! Follow me on Twitter at @EPayneTheDad.

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