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Another School Shooting...

There was a shooting at my son's high school yesterday. The student who brought the gun to school accidentally shot themselves and it ended right there (a la Plaxico Burress). The rumor is the person had it on their person to protect themselves from some beef brewing in their life and not to attack someone else. It happened first thing in the morning and my son asked to come home. We obliged, and another parent who is a friend of the family signed him out and brought him home.

It was a stupid incident, as stupid and senseless as all of these school incidents are. Luckily, this time only the "shooter" was injured and thankfully, their injuries aren't life threatening. It touched me today. It was too close to home. Just as close if not closer than when Trayvon Martin was killed last year. If I could pull him out of there I would, but where would I send him?
This is happening everywhere. All I can do, all any of us can do is do everything in our power to protect our children while they are in our eyesight, insist on better procedures at their schools (such as plugging in the metal detectors) and hope and pray that others will do their best when we aren't around to protect them (this also includes our kids).

I came home last night to a sparkling, clean kitchen and a mopped floor. He said, "See, Dad. I cleaned the house." I was impressed but really could care less about a kitchen today. Although I had known he was safe all along, seeing my sometimes grouchy, one-word-answer-having, funny, thoughtful son brought a smile to my face. I thanked him for cleaning the kitchen and told him I'm glad he's safe.

Big sigh of relief...

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