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Blogging On Black Friday

Not too many years ago, I was working on Black Friday. Pissed off because I didn't give a damn about how much 3rd Quarter(?) money my store made on this one day. I didn't understand why as the marketing/special event person - I always wound up behind a cash register. These were my parents hard earned dollars at work --- the ones that sent me to Cornell University...

This year I dropped my wife's cousins at the airport a few minutes to seven and decided to take a leisurely drive to look for stuff for my son. My house is packed with people for Thanksgiving and everyone is going to sleep til noon anyway. I was surprised to not see a line outside Best Buy at 7 am, and I was equally surprised to see how many people took Barack Obama's advice to go shopping once I was inside. It was like an outdoor market there, with xBoxes, Wii systems, flat screen TVs, and home theaters for the pickin'. I quickly forgot why I was there and began to drift over to the flat screens and notice that last years' prices are now assigned to televisions two sizes larger than I originally wanted. Then there's the camera I really want. Then Iron Man and the Dark Knight on DVD. Then that upright washing machine(?) I intend to get once I buy another house.

I got out of there before I needed a flatbed to take me home with my merchandise and empty wallet. And after a nice hot cup of coffee that made my now sensitive and straight (at last) teeth tingle I'm here --- sharing.

For those who keep up, I haven't been on the blog since about the week of the Election. Honestly I haven't had much to say. Is my life still crazy? Certainly! Is my job still troubling? Most definitely. Since my last post, 3 people resigned in my office alone. When we first moved this summer, I was upset that I was downgraded from an office to a 4-person bullpen/cubicle. Now, I have more space than I know what to do with as I now sit alone, unable to play music because I'm out in the open and constantly being disturbed by everyone walking by on their way to the fax machine or photocopier.

But it is what it is. Frankly, I haven't had much to say because this particular blog is built on me making light of the things that piss me off. But this process essentially forces me to relive or at least remember all those things that are better left ignored or moved past. This month, I simply didn't feel like breathing more life into that which Makes Me Wanna Holler. I've barely been interested in talking, let alone hollering. I bought a ton of newspapers, read To Kill A Mockingbird and recently visited Atlanta with the wife. To be honest I've spent most of my time downloading music and videos on my iPod and goofing off on Facebook. I'm happy to say Facebook came in handy for my trip down South. I was treated quite hospitably by folks who said, "Call me when you get to Atlanta." I'm glad they actually meant it. To you guys I wish to extend my gratitude once more.

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