Makes Me Wanna Holler's Top 10 Posts of 2009
It's that time of year again. I've been under the weather and swamped with family and it just dawned on me that Christmas if Friday and New Year's is just a week after that. The crew over at Black And Married With Kids stole my thunder by posting some of their Top 10s for the year, but that' okay because I'm on both lists they have up so far (besides I'd lose if we ever did compete). With no further delay I present to you my loyal readers, the most viewed posts of 2009. From the serious to the silly they're all here for your reading pleasure...1. The Worst Sex Talk EVER
2. My Piano Keys --- Her Mom is NOT White (& Neither Is Her Dad)
3. 7 Things You Should NOT Say to Your Wife
4. Black History Minute Monday: Blacks in the Media
5. Frat Life
6. How To Love A Black Woman
7. The Power of Laughter
8. I'm Leaving My Wife
9. The Death of Fat Bastardé (pronounced Bas-tar-day)
10. Real Men Drive Minivans
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