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My Favorite Posts of 2009

I've given you the top viewed posts based on Google Analytics...

I've shown you the posts with the comments...

But what about my own favorites?

Here are my personal Top 10 favorites in descending order:

10. The Best Medicine
9. My Wife Is NOT My Friend (on Facebook)(my favorite post on my favorite lifestyle blog, Black And Married With Kids)
8. Have Fun At Picnic Trip
7. Because I'm Fly
6. Perspective
5. The Look She's Perfected...
4. Daddy Swagger
3. The Worst Sex Talk EVER
2. My Power Supply (my favorite accidental photos)
1. Princess & The Frog - NYC Style!

Of course I have more favorites than this. My actual list is probably closer to 25. But hands down my number one pick here is my number one pick period. It's NYC, it's family, it's marriage, it's culture, it's cultural breakthroughs, it was my wife and I being one...my son even joined in on the fun, although he joined in after we finished seeing the princesses.

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