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Hello Boxing Gloves, Bye Bye Backfat

Ask, and it shall be given you...
Seek, and ye shall find...
Knock, and it shall be opened unto you...
Complain about being fat enough times on a blog...

K.O.The good folks over at LA Boxing have provided lil' ol' me with a month-long membership. Beginning next week I'll get to burn between 800-1,000 calories per session during boxing, kickboxing and MMA (mixed martial arts workouts). I've always wanted to learn how to use a heavy bag and jump rope like a boxer. I'm very excited.

Reality Check I: Other than running this past summer I haven't worked out seriously since my daughter was born four years ago.

Reality Check II: I fully anticipate getting beat down in the beginning (or "beat up" depending on where you reside in here in the US - not sure what anyone overseas says).

Stay tuned...

PS - If you're in NYC this weekend and looking for a nice intimate place to eat, then consider Harlem as a destination. Check out my latest restaurant review: Mojo Harlem.

Photo Credit: Photofreaks on Flickr

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