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Mondays With Michelle: Germany Bound

Happy Monday! This week is a super exciting one for me, because at the end of it I will be headed home to Germany for 2 weeks! Yay for vacation!  That being said...I won't be posting while I'm gone, so you can expect to see me back here on April 23. Now on to fun stuff...food!

I don't know about you, but one of my favorite things about going home is the food. My Mom and Oma cook all my favorite dishes...and I usually come back a few pounds heavier happy and satisfied. 

Here a few of my favs....

Kartoffelpuffer: Potato pancakes with apple sauce... yum!
Jagerschnitzel.... soooo good!
German Potato Salad... made by Oma is the best thing ever!
Currywurst (pork sausage with curry ketchup= delicious!)
Fresh German bread= heaven!

That is just  little peak into all the yummy things I am going to consume. I'll will be sure to have a full report upon my return. 

What is your favorite thing to eat when you go home? Post your comments below!

Don't forget to visit my Foodie blog for more recipes, food tips and other foodie fun. 

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading! To learn more about me, you can read my story.

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