Shawty Lo Is A No-Go: Fatherhood is Saved...For Now
When news of Shawty Lo's new reality show, All My Babies' Mamas, first broke I was silent online. I talked about it with my wife in the real world but deep down inside I feared what might happen if this show made it to the airwaves. What would all the babies who watch TV unsupervised think? How would they be impacted by this nonsense? What would all the people who buy into reality TV believe? How badly would the reality of the African American man and father be permanently tarnished by this show that I REFUSE to link to (or display any pics of) in any way whatsoever. Worser still, what would white people think --- the ones who don't think too highly of us to begin with and those who, because we are of different cultures, really might not know what to think or believe. I felt silence was my best protest while many others stormed social media, signed a petition and worked almost tirelessly to shut this nonsense down.
Thankfully this time, this loud majority has swayed the thinking of the television producers to cancel this "show" before it ever had a chance to be the biggest PR disaster in the history of fatherhood. It is a perfect example of social media for social good at work. One such member of this majority is the dynamic duo, Ronnie and Lamar Tyler of - A Positive Image of Marriage and Family. They were there when the rumor became truth that this show was slated to air and from what I can tell they were one of the first to break the story of it's premature demise. To get their take on things, keep reading:
Shawty NO: Controversial Reality Show Gets Canceled
Thoughts? Please, let me know in the Facebook or Disqus comment sections below. We can also talk about it on Twitter at @EPayneTheDad.