WIVES: In Your Own Words - Part 2
Last week, I asked Fans of the MMWH Facebook Page, who are wives, to complete the following statement:
"A husband is a man who _____________."
Like our last post, singling out the wives...these are some of the responses that came in:
"...loves me MORE after everything about me is known to him! Everything!!!"
"...is a covering for his family faults & all! He is a HusbandMan."
"...puts up with the DAMSEL IN DISTRESS SYNDROME!"
"...leads by example for everyone that falls under his covering as well as those that cross his path. Not perfect, but understanding & embracing his call."
"...is strong as steel...and as smooth as velvet."
"...is your best friend."
"...is a great father to our children. Whose love is Forever. His actions match his words. He is a provider, protector, lover, and best friend. "
According to Meriam-Webster.com a husband (noun) is:
- a male partner in a marriage
- British : manager, steward
- a frugal manager
a husbandman (noun) is:
one that plows and cultivates land.
What would you add to this list?
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