The World Is Mine & It's Yours Too

The world is mine
When I wake up
I don't need nobody telling me the time...
~Erykah Badu from Certainly
© Universal Music Publishing Group
When I wake up
I don't need nobody telling me the time...
~Erykah Badu from Certainly
© Universal Music Publishing Group
This song came on the radio (Pandora actually) while I was driving in my car this afternoon after a particularly productive morning. One I claimed I would have at 6am before my day began. Lately I've been on a very positive tip, looking inward, not outward for all my outcomes. This is with people, situations and circumstances. But as the latter two are typically caused by people I guess I'm talking mostly about people. I will pass on to you what I've been feasting on: If you want to change your circumstances then first change your mindset going into those circumstances. Stop dreading encounters with the spouse, coworker, relative or soon to be ex-friend by coaching your mind to stop anticipating these types of encounters from happening.
The world is yours...to do your best, to give your all, to love freely, to love fully, to be blessed, to bless others, to appreciate it's warmth, beauty and hope. Don't worry about all that is going on outside of you those things were going to happen anyway. Don't allow anyone or yourself to keep you from your joy, your peace and your daily harvest in this life.
Don't forget about tonight's Twitter Party.
Photo Courtesy: DonkeyHotey
I'm the author of DAD: As Easy As A, B, C! - 26 Dos & Don'ts for Fathers. Click here for my story and the origin of Makes Me Wanna Holler. Do you Tweet? Follow EPayneTheDad on Twitter. Live on Facebook? Like Makes Me Wanna Holler on Facebook.
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