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O, Featherbed! A Full Night's Sleep

I am obsessed with getting a good night's sleep as is my wife, but for whatever reason we seem to be at war as to how to actually accomplish this.

The opening salvo was fired two years ago by my wife bought a more accommodating queen-size bed. However it is hard as a rock. What she calls firm is brick and hasn't allowed me to enjoy a full night's uninterrupted sleep not even once. I hated that bed.

Until now.

After a week's worth of browsing Overstock.com I happened upon a pillowtop featherbed that by all accounts sounded like one of those heavenly experiences I have while traveling when I cross paths with one of those superbeds they have at some hotels.

It arrived yesterday evening. I raced to the front porch to bring it inside. I didn't set it down in the living room and open it in front of everyone. I raced to our bedroom, stripped down the bed, opened the boxed, fluffed it up, slapped that bad boy on the mattress and then remade the bed.

I came downstairs as if nothing had happened for the 10-15 minutes I disappeared upstairs. My secret wasn't discovered for another two hours when my wife found the box stashed in our laundry room. I put it there thinking she didn't have any laundry to do and I would sneak it out of the house by morning.

Her complaints were minimal: that she was going to need a ladder to climb into bed.

I slept like a stone last night and awakened this morning, refreshed and WIDE awake, not groggy, not miserable, but ready to take it all on --- which goes perfectly with my morning disposition that my wife hates.

Tonight I am anxious to discover if I can extend my good night's rest to two nights. I sure hope so. If it persists then I will win the war.

Hail, Featherbed!

Thanks for reading! To learn more about me, you can read my story.

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