Sex, Love & Marriage
Before leaving for college my mother told me, "Don't let these little girls get in your pants!"
Had I taken my mother's advice or considered I'd be the one getting into the girls' pants, I'd probably be a childless Christian missionary feeding underprivileged children in Africa. I'd probably have clear thoughts and be a candidate for the Nobel Committee. I'd probably have an enormous savings account.
Or maybe not.
Ever since I first tripped and fell out of my pants and on top of a woman, sex has been a thing I don't think of 24/7, but do consider doing anytime, anywhere, any hour. In college that's what sex was for me. Passionate trysts executed under the cover of night (or just while no one --- especially boyfriends of my "friends" was looking).
Think about it, when you were young, you did it anywhere. My freshman year of college, I remember waking up in the middle of the night to hear my roommate rolling around with his girl no more than 10 feet from me (I moved off campus the next year and didn't share so much as a pencil with anyone until I met my wife).
So now that I'm married and it's all legal and official (for those of us who are plagued by morals and religious ethics) why is it such a drag, why does every scenario have to be perfect, where's all the sweat, the rough and tumble, the "let's sneak so no one hears us", where's the all night long all the way into the next day and maybe longer, where's the I haven't showered and stink like you know what?
I'm not saying this is my situation, but everyone has their share of aspects of this. Over the weekend I watched Chris Rock's I Think I Love My Wife and I found myself unbelievably annoyed by his wife's outright refusal to sleep with him and his sex-crazed to the point of stupid mindset. As far as movies go, it felt very contrived from start to finish.
But I know this is real otherwise he wouldn't have made a movie about it. So I ask the question: has marriage (or long term love for those of you who aren't), kids, and etc., etc., made your love life better, or worse? Or is it still the same?