Happy Birthday, Mrs. Payne!
By the time you read this post this morning, I will, God willing, be safe and on the ground in Atlanta. I could tell you several reasons why I'm flying down there for the 3rd time in 2 months, but the number one reason is that it is Mrs. Payne's birthday today and I am going to celebrate the day in person (until I am in person on a daily basis down there).
I won't say her age, but she has reached a milestone in her life. She has accomplished much against many odds and she has done it with focus and ferocity.
Here at Makes Me Wanna Holler I do not give my wife enough credit. And shame on me for that. She feeds me delicious meals that she sometimes painstaking cooks with love, clothes me (at times since she didn't like the way I used to dress), motivates me and even inspires me. She is beautiful, she is articulate, she has a penchant for life, she is my right when I am left and when things are not right with us I am not right. She is the mother of my children --- a mother who I love to watch in action, a child of God, a powerhouse in the workplace, a student who seriously has her nose to the grindstone and a great role model for little girls of all colors and ages to look up to. Without her I wouldn't have anything to talk about here.
Here at MMWH I write, sometimes preach, better manhood. I heard a pastor say last week that a sermon cuts both ways --- into the congregation and the person delivering it. My tales here come from my struggles in the real world. One thing I've struggled with is investing with as much diligence as I should or could into the heart that belongs to my wife. There have been more days than I care to remember when I've allowed this day and a couple other special days to go by, not unnoticed, but definitely without the fanfare they truly deserve. I bare this testimony to you people who I don't know or see to say give your all to the one you love when the times are good so it doesn't appear forced or less genuine when times are bad. And don't even do it for that reason, just do it because that's the special person in your life. Words are great at times, but actions are even better. Don't make it about what you think you can't afford. Don't make it about what that person did to you two days ago. If you love someone, then love that someone, no matter what might not sit well between the two of you.
Happy Birthday, Mrs. Payne! May all the gifts and blessings you deserve be bestowed upon you today and for the next 365 days!
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