The Top MMWH Posts of 2010
I'm late with this because I was too busy getting 2011 off on the right foot in the real world...
I Didn't Invented Sex
A post featuring a conversation my wife and I had with my son when he attempted to talk slick about girls not respecting themselves.
Investing In An Emotional Letdown
A true eye-opener. A random conversation with a random stranger at a random Tweet-Up wound up becoming one of the most read posts of the year.
My Little Black Book
Sometimes you just have to strike out on your own. After being told a book project I was working on was deemed "Black" I ask the question, "So what?"
What A Single Woman Wants: Part 1
The first in my What A Single Woman Wants series. A surprisingly refreshing and honest discussion on the current state of the female heart.
The Huddle Of The Wife & Kids
One of the most painful days of the year for me. I had to bid farewell to a one of my closest friends before he began his prison sentence for a white collar crime.
What A Single Woman Wants: Part 5
The fifth in the What A Single Woman Wants series. An essay who's author is fully exploring the single life and has the courage and honesty to admit she doesn't currently know what she wants.
A Anniversary: New Beginnings & New Life
My Happy Anniversary Post dedicated to my wife on our 3rd year of marriage.
Wives In Your Own Words
A sampling of female readers of this blog who state in their own words what they believe their roles are as wives.
How To Face & Overcome Fear (as a man)
What fear is for men and dads and how to overcome it.
Bye Bye, Backfat! Hello, Boxing Gloves! - The Series
Who can forget the multimedia series that chronicled my return to health via boxing.
The truth.
2010 - The Year of the Villain
Even more truth.
Thanks for staying with me this far and I look forward to spending 2011 with you as well!
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