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Please Spread The Word - DAD: As Easy As A, B, C

PhotobucketThere are quite a few of us out here in this amorphous space called the Internet who are doing battle in the war against father-absent households - the condition of growing up without a father. If you need cold facts on the impact of this epidemic please visit and soak up the information provided by the National Fatherhood Initiative. Off the top of my head I know a documentary filmmaker currently making a powerful film entitled Dear Daddy and I work on a weekly basis with a man who is a social media phenom and the co-founder of what can best be described as a movement - a mission to promote positive images of marriage and parenthood as it relates to the African American community. And then there's me...

"With great power comes great responsibility," as told to a young Peter Parker by who was soon to be his soon to be deceased Uncle Ben. Well I don't have great power but I can't deny the responsibility I've taken on being at the helm of this blog. Several years back I made the decision to be a DAD and have it all. It happened and I began to blog about it. My desire to write DAD: As Easy As A, B, C! was born the moment I wrote my very first fatherhood post on this blog. And this Father's Day 2011 it came to life. It is the 2nd in my four-step effort to inspire dads to do more and do better for their families and themselves.

But like most things in this life, short of dying, I can't wage my offensive of this war against fatherless-absence alone. I need your help:


I'm the author of DAD: As Easy As A, B, C! - 26 Dos & Don'ts for Fathers. Click here for my story and the origin of Makes Me Wanna Holler. Do you Tweet? Follow EPayneTheDad on Twitter. Live on Facebook? Like Makes Me Wanna Holler on Facebook.

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