The Sports vs. School Disconnect

I was sitting in the stands this past weekend at the final game of my son's weekend AAU basketball tournament out in who-knows-where-Georgia. They were trounced by the best team in the state so I wasn't too upset. But they also lost their fight about 3 minutes into the 2nd quarter which was quite disheartening for all us parents who dragged ourselves out there at the crack of dawn to root for the team.
Once the next game began a fellow parent struck up a conversation with me and soon we were doing what I've often accused most older black men of doing when they get together at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners: we were trying to out-top each other with descriptions of a point we both agreed on.
The topic: The disconnect that kids have been sports and academics. It was a wonderfully illustrative discussion filled with laughter and analogies that would make any storyteller swell with jealousy. After going back and forth a few rounds, my new friend struck this final death blow:
"I got one even better for you, sir," he said. The classroom is where the kids learn the basics - the fundamentals of math, English, science, etc. --- the game [of learning]. The teachers are the coaches. Then it's up to the kids to go home and practice what they learned to adapt it to their style of learning and understand how to make it work for them. That's the practice that goes on after the scheduled practices. And when they go back to school, the tests," he said, pausing to make sure I was listening to him and for effect, "the tests are the games! But these kids don't get that. And I'm old so I don't know nothin' anyway."
He shrugged his shoulders the way Jordan did that time after one of the greatest slam dunks of his career. He had me.
I had no choice but to nod in agreement.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.
[QUESTION] What's Most Important To You?
Here's a question for you to answer in the comments:
What's most important to you?
- A healthy diet?
- A healthy attitude?
- A dedicated workout routine?
- Some combination of all of the above.
Please think about it and leave your answer in the comments section beneath this post.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.
Rio The Movie: Original Soundtrack Giveaway
Anyone who has been to Brazil for Carnival knows first-hand the powerful hypnotic rhythms of Samba and the explosion of colors so intense it's absolutely intoxicating (if not unbelievable) to the eyes.
From the makers of the hit ICE AGE series comes RIO, a comedy adventure about taking a walk on the wild side. Blu is a domesticated Macaw who never learned to fly, living a comfortable life with his owner and best friend Linda in the small town of Moose Lake, Minnesota. Blu and Linda think he’s the last of his kind, but when they learn about another Macaw who lives in Rio de Janeiro, they head to the faraway and exotic land to find Jewel, Blu’s female counterpart. Not long after they arrive, Blu and Jewel are kidnapped by a group of bungling animal smugglers.
You'll have to take the family to the movies to find out if and how Blu & Jewel escape and who they meet along the way.

If you're a parent, and even if you're not, you may have noticed in the last few years that soundtracks from animated movies are better than most of the music currently being spit out. And I do mean spit. Most of these albums include music the entire family can jam to. The soundtrack for Rio The Movie is no different. Especially if you can dig samba rhythms like I do.
In advance of the April 15th debut of Rio The Movie, Makes Me Wanna readers will have the chance to enter to win the original motion picture soundtrack. This CD covers the range of Brazilian music featuring tracks by Bibel Gilberto and Carolinhos Brown, Jermaine Clement (Flight of the Conchords), Latino sensation, Taio Cruz, Jamie Foxx and multi-platinum artist
One (1) winner will be selected at random from three (3) drawings held on Thursday, March 24, Tuesday, March 29, and Tuesday, April 5, 2011 beginning at 10 am EST. Only (1) "Like" per contestant will be allowed on each drawing day. Only one (1) CD will be allowed per winner. Winner will be selected within 24 hours of each drawing. Winner will be selected via Winners have 48 hours to claim their prize after being selected. The RIO Official Movie Soundtrack will be distributed by Big Honcho Media after the conclusion of the final drawing and once the product becomes available to ship. Contestants must be over the age of 18 and have a valid Continental U.S. mailing address.
"Like" the above image on each day of the drawing on the Makes Me Wanna Holler Facebook Page. Contests will launch between 10 am and noon on each contest day. Valid entries can only be made within 24 hours of the posting of the drawing on each contest day as listed in the Contest Rules. In order to enter you must be a member of the Makes Me Wanna Holler Facebook Page.
Any entries not in compliance with the above will not be considered. This giveaway ends April 6, 2011 at 10:00am EST - the projected conclusion of the 24 hour time frame of the final April 5th contest.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.
Sonny - Boy
During the early years of this blog I wrote a lot about both my kids. But now that my son is a teenager I don't expound too much on him. He lives a pretty routine teenage life when he's not angering me to no end. Truth be told he's a good boy with good grades and he (and we) keeps his nose out of trouble. I snapped this a couple years back when he was still shorter than me and not the 6 feet 1 inch tall that he is. I ran across it the other day while trying to organizae my photos.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.
The Silent Treatment: A Poll
Answer the following poll and check out the results!
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.
But, Why Do I Have To Die?
One of the challenges that has come with moving from a single level apartment to a home with three floors is contending with the bumps and creaks in the night. Like anything else standing, a house is a structure that carries the burden of the weight of itself. It's prone to a few moans and groans, cracks and pops. Aside from that, most of the knocks that go bump in the night are the ice maker in the refrigerator, a broom falling or my son dropping his cell phone on the floor because he's finally released his death grip on it in his sleep.
I know this and by now the wife should too, but without fail, at least once every two weeks the following occurs:
Wife(shaking me awake): "Did you hear that?"
Me: "Who are you?"
Wife (In her quietest screaming whisper): "Eric! Get up! I heard something."
Me: "Where am I?"
Wife(now elbowing me in my ribs): "Eric!"
Me: "The alarm is on, so we're fine."
Wife: "You're the man of the house! You have to go check."
At this point I am awake and my eyes are rolling around in my head. She always gets me with that "Man of the House" crap. I'm the Man of the House when it comes to going downstairs defenseless to get my head chopped off by Chuckie, but on most other Man of the House issues that arise under our roof my wife is beating her chest and burning her bra at every turn.
So as always I convince my body to move from beneath the sheets. I tiptoe down the stairs and walk around to find...nothing. But what would happen if I actually did find something? What if, God forbid, a monster attacked or a shot rang out, then what? Will my family all huddle in a closet and wait to meet their maker? Will they hide in the attic? Because it's not like the wife is right behind me with a meat cleaver backing me up, or down the hall on alert in front of the kids' rooms. She just lays there in the dark waiting to see if I return to bed. What makes more sense is for all of us to huddle by the alarm control panel in our room, behind the locked door and hit the panic button connected to the police station. But that's just me.
As always, I crawl back under the sheets and she asks what made the sound. Most times I tell her it's the icemaker when I know that it is. And other times when I don't know what knock or bump she heard in the night I still tell her it's the icemaker.
I don't plan on ever owning a gun, but maybe I should pick up a nice, solid Louisville Slugger to keep in my closet. That way I won't feel like I'm being ripped from sleep to be a human sacrifice because I'm the Man of The House.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.
Renee Ross: A Journey to Healthy Living
A Guest Post by Renee Ross
In November 2009 I decided to finally stick to my guns and begin a journey to healthy living. It wasn’t my first attempt, I’d tried two other times in very public ways during that year but was unsuccessful. However, given the alarming statistics regarding African-American women, obesity and the subsequent repercussions on our health I could not continue to be a statistic. My entire family has a history of hypertension and my aunt was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. in November 2009 I weighed in at over 200 pounds on was on the fast track to health problems.
The week of Thanksgiving I embarked on the journey to healthy living and seven months later I’d lost 50 pounds, ran my first 5K and was prepping for a half-marathon. Although I’ve always known the tools for healthy living - my emotional state prohibited me from making the best decisions for my health. My decision to live healthy, hopefully prolonging my life and stay around for my son is one that I don’t regret.
I will not lie and say it has been easy. Like everyone battling the bulge I have good days and bad days. Sometimes I ease back into old habits like emotional eating. Other times I just don’t feel in the mood to exercise but the difference between now and years ago is that I don’t let myself completely give up. I recognize that tomorrow is another day and even if I gain a few pounds I have the tools in my toolbox to get rid of them before it becomes problematic.I will say here and now that I will never be obese again. I will be fit and healthy and I will work on it daily. Although being healthy is challenging I am committed to living a long life. In October I ran the Nike Women’s Half-Marathon and raised over $5000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. On Sunday, February 27th on the day after my 41st birthday I ran my 2nd half-marathon, the Disney Princess, and it was totally and completely for me. Although I was not as prepared as I was for my first endurance race I remained committed to my goal and completed it with a smile.
This Princess has plans to stay around for many years to come. If you need encouragement on your journey to healthy living you can certainly visit me at my blog, on facebook, twitter and YouTube. Inspiring others inspires me and I love hearing success stories!
Renée is the author of Cutie Booty Cakes where she blogs about her life as healthy and fit mom. She is a contributing editor for and has appeared in The Atlanta Constitution Journal, Parents Magazine, Southern Living, The Victory Project on MSN and has been seen on National and local television. In a nutshell, she is one busy lady!

Can You Feel A Brand New Day?
This morning I told my daughter it was a brand new day and she should be excited.
"Excited about what?" she asked.
"All the opportunities to learn and experience new things," I answered. She debated this with me for a while but then brought her drawing board along with her for the ride to school. When I took her out of the car she showed me this.
This isn't her best work, but quite good considering it was a bumpy ride. The point is that she gets it. And after seeing this picture, I hope you do too.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.
Child Sex Trafficking in Atlanta
Fridays are typically light days for me, but after running across this (something I've been reading about this past week) I am compelled to share. As a father of a young girl, as a man of principle, and as a resident of Atlanta, I feel it's my duty to use this blog to add my voice to the growing number of voices speaking out against Child Sex Trafficking in Atlanta.
Please ReTweet, Share on Facebook and your other social networks.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day [INFOGRAPHIC]
The New York City Department of Heath and Mental Hygiene sent me the following infographic showcasing the landscape of HIV/AIDS among women and girls in New York City. This coincides with today's March 10 observance of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.
According to the infographic an estimated 31,663 women aged 13 or older were living with HIV/AIDS at the end of 2009.
In 1985 only 290 New York City women were living with AIDS in 1985. Over a 14-year period this number rose to 19,156 in 2009.
Probably the most staggering of the several statistics illustrated is the following: Black and Latina Women account for 60.2% of the NYC female population but they make up 90.7% of women living with HIV/AIDS in NYC as of 2009.
(Click for the full version)
Let's get the conversation going with our kids. You know the one...about sex. We need to have "the talk" with our girls and our boys. As difficult as it may be, not doing as you can see is creating tragic results on the epidemic level.
NYC Knows is a public initiative carried out by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The program aims to increase HIV and AIDS awareness by promoting free testing facilities, treatment centers and prevention education. The ultimate goal of the NYC Knows program is to have every citizen of New York City knowing his or her HIV status. For more information or to become active in the initiatives check out or
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.

The Stuff Of Dreams

This article was originally published at
In our society mediocrity has become the norm. In this economy, hopeless-speak is just what we do. We want more and more; better for our kids yet they listen to us gripe all day long. Many of us get on our knees and pray to a God we cannot see, but won’t even make eye-contact with let alone give a penny to, a homeless person stationed on the sidewalk in front of us. We think nothing of financially support singers, dancers and ball handlers, contributing to their millionaire lifestyles but at the same time nickel and dime ourselves when it comes to investing in our own well-beings and development. At bedtime before sleep takes us away from it all — this hell on Earth — a tiny question dances across our minds that we won’t ever admit out loud: “What happened?”
- What happened to that boy or girl we used to be who was filled with their dream(s)?
- What happened to the vigor that drove us to not let anyone or anything slow us down?
- What happened to that fire for life we once had? Where did it go? Why did it go?
Why Is The Exception Not the Norm?
There are, of course, exceptions. And guess what? These individuals often don’t consider themselves to be exceptional at all. They use terms like “luck” and “being blessed” with the right combination of means, opportunity or persons of influence who were able to help them along the way. None of these factors would have mattered had they given up on their dreams. Without dreams they wouldn’t have known when or how to act when their opportunities arrived. They were prepared for when it came rather than upset and caught unprepared because it might have come later than they expected. One such individual, Mikki Taylor, beauty director and cover editor at Essence magazine, was one of the seemingly endless number of professionals and celebrities who lined up to meet and share their own dreams with 110 youth selected from all around the nation for Disney’s Dreamers Academy with Steve Harvey and Essence. It was an amazing 4-day weekend of intense experiential mentoring covering from animation to veterinary science. The end goal for these young “Dreamers” is to leave the experience better equipped to transform their dreams into realities and in turn help others like them do the same.
Taylor delivered one of the many powerful messages to the Dreamers during their Commencement Ceremony. As I sat there with BMWK’s Lamar & Ronnie Tyler listening intently, she reminded me of the following:
- Know your value. Your perception of who you are determines how you carry and conduct yourself.
- You must arm yourself with the necessary tools for you to accomplish what you want.
- Be about the business of making your dreams come true. Treat your pursuit of that dream as if it were a business.
- Don’t get sidetracked by who and what is perceived to be “cool.” Take your direction from the right people.
- Seek out informed individuals to help you reach your goals.
- Make your gift your pursuit. Money is definitely nice, but you have to do more than just want to make money.
- Do not build a house in the valley of your troubles. Own [up to] them and then move on.
- Don’t allow the limited vision of someone else to become yours. My own take on this: Advice is often another’s excuse for their own failure(s).
- Use your gift. Spend it up entirely because it is on loan to you from the Creator.
- When it comes time to act step out on faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. It will be your guide and your legs when the road is rough.
The kids weren’t the only ones who needed to hear these words.
To Dream The Impossible Dream
A person will only go as far as their beliefs allow them. A child starts out beginning that anything is possible. Then they reach a point where resistance rears it’s ugly head. It is at that point that they need someone who knows a little more than they do to bolster their courage to do the “impossible.” This doesn’t mean it can’t be done. There are plenty of success stories involving kids who didn’t have anything resembling a parent or authority figure to help along their rough, maybe even impossible roads to success. But shouldn’t that experience be the exception rather than the norm? Each one should teach one in any and all ways possible.
I left the experience blessed to be able to connect a budding and passionate young photographer with several accomplished professional photographers I know personally. For all I know this may the reason why four years ago, after knowing none prior, I “suddenly” came to know and become friends with several photographers nationwide. Will you do the same when your turn comes or will you simply remember all that wasn’t done for you when you used to dream?
Yesterday is gone. There is nothing that can be done or undone with it. All each of us has is right now. Even if you are reading this at 6 o’clock in the evening you can finish off your day recommitted to being about the business of bringing your dreams to life. Or you can make yourself available to usher a child, either yours or someone not as lucky as yours, that much closer to their dreams.
If you are one of the many downtrodden described at the beginning of this piece, despair no more. No matter whose fault it is or was, it’s going to be okay. Stop punishing yourself and stop allowing yourself to be punished. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and reconnect with your dreams — the divine intention that was inserted into you as your life’s purpose! But beware. This is all easier said than done. There won’t be any thunderclaps because you’ve got a new attitude. It’s unlikely that opportunity will begin pouring down from the heavens. But as Steve Harvey expressed repeatedly throughout the weekend, once you stop dreaming and pursuing those dreams “you may as well cash in the chips.” Dreams are what drive the life force. A life without dreams is simply an existence at the expense of others — your spouse, your children, your society, everyone you come into contact with.
Please, make your life count.
To learn more about this amazing weekend of dreams and opportunities that happens once a year at Disney World, visit Disney’s Dreamer’s Academy.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.

EQUALS: International Women's Day 2011
Today is International Women's Day. One of my favorite actors portraying one of my favorite fictional characters decided to "suit up" and support the cause.
Today is International Women's Day 2011.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.

Dream Big, Dream Early!
I had the honor and privilege of being asked to cover the 2011 Disney's Dreamers Academy as a journalist representing the New Media side of the coin. I spent most of the early part of last week prepping for my journey to sunny Orlando. I commandeered my son's netbook for portability, I rented a high powered wide angle lens for my camera and I was armed with my mediocre cell phone for quick video and uploads. While I was there I was doing a whole lot of everything --- updating the Makes Me Wanna Holler Facebook Fan Experience with news and information as it was happening at the mentoring events I attended, blogging in the wee hours of the morning (and while eating lunch). But before I digress let me stick to the point.
Disney's Dreamers Academy with partners Steve Harvey and Essence magazine, featured a star-studded line-up of VIP entertainment and sports figures, motivational speakers and world-class business professionals along with an amazing roster of Disney employees (from execs to animators) hosted a power-packed weekend of special events and educational workshops at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando March 3-6.
More than 100 high school students from across the country participated, selected by a blue-ribbon panel from among nearly 4,000 applicants.
I was literally overwhelmed by the talent there both on the adult and youth side (more on this in a separate post). During our time there, many of the bloggers I worked alongside managed to snag a "Dreamer" (youth participant) or two for an interview, seeking out those youths who might be in the same field or have originated from the same locale. With a 110 participants and a sea of media, entertainment and executives, accomplishing this quickly began to feel like looking for a needle in a haystack.
So God decided to do my work for me.A young and extremely enterprising young man wielding a camera considerably more advanced than my own approached me and introduced himself. Not only did we share a similar passion for photography, but he originates from Gary, Indiana, a literal stone's throw from Chicago's borders. Before the weekend was over we were able to sit down for a very quick chat.
I'm one of those Canon people. Despite the poor lighting in the video and my asking him a couple of questions twice, the content is all there. This kid is on his game and his grind. He has his own company, his own business cards and his own 30-second "elevator speech".
Avery's Bio & Accomplishments

Avery is a marvelous young man --- easily an inspiration to us all, both young and old. A note to any and all Chicago or Midwest based photographers reading this, if you'd like to mentor this young man, please contact me here so I can put you in touch with Avery.
Keep it moving Avery. Keep it moving right on to the top!
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.

Eat, Sleep, And Drink Your Dream
I'm on the move and I'm typing fast. I'm fighting off being exhausted from a travel day to Disney World to share what is just the beginning of a very special experience:
Disney's Dreamers Academy, with Steve Harvey And Essence Magazine
100 students, girls and boys alike, from all around the nation converged on Orlando, Florida for a weekend stay in the land where dreams do come true. The marquee event for the weekend is the power of dreams. Celebs and successful business persons from all over will mentor and share their experiences from yesterday through Sunday to help these students learn how to hold fast to and realize their dreams.
During the official welcome:
Yolanda Adams spoke of listening and learning from from those who have
grabbed hold to their dreams.
Mikki Taylor encouraged the kids to cherish take full advantage of the weekend and not allow anyone to shake them from what they believe they are capable of.
Funnyman extraordinaire, Steve Harvey, was greeted with a standing ovation. But he quickly humbled himself before all of us stating, "Dreams do come true. Dreams blossom from blessings." And without missing a beat or making any excuses he added faith and belief in God into the equation fully sharing his awe over the select nature of opportunity. He insisted it doesn't come from you and your individual desires, but instead God's desires for you. He told the rapt audience "I am a recipient of God's blessings," and "Dreams without faith is crazy!"
And best believe he had the crowd in tears, laughing hysterically throughout his time on the mic.
But wasn't only readily identifiable personalities who held the kids' attention. Dexter Hanksley, a Walt Disney Imagineer, gave a very profound talk later on that evening.
He had a dream as a young college student studying architecture and entered into a contest to design a theme park event for Disney. Not only did he and his college buddies win the competition that year, but Disney brought him on and he's had his hands literally on every theme park innovation you can think of.
Eat, Sleep & Dream
- Confidence: Believe in yourself and your dream.
- Creativity - forget thinking outside the box; why does there have to be a box at all.
- Use your full range of curiosity to accomplish your goals.
- When it comes to the haters, love them because if you don't have haters then you aren't doing something right.
- Constancy - follow through - you dream it, then you do it. Bring the dream to fruition.
Dexter wrapped up in a few words what everyone had been saying for most of my first day at the Disney's Dreamers Academy 2011: Eat, sleep and drink your dream.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.

Being Dad
I know I'm not the best dad.
Many days I won't even claim being a good dad.
I'll never pat myself on the back for what I do.
Nor do I want to receive pats or cookies for it.
It doesn't come natural although some are "naturals".
Thank God I had and still have a model to work from.
The greatest teacher I've ever had.
My dad.
Thanks, Dad.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.
A Child's Praise and Grace

It's not often that I get into matters of religion in this space. I save that for conversations with my mother, my family, select friends and a pastor who personally counsels me from time to time. But I will today.
I grew up saying my blessing/grace before every meal. My father led the prayer and if he wasn't around then my mother did. I have been saying the same 3-sentence grace since learning it and I have in turn taught it to my family. My wife says it, my son says it and my daughter follows along mouthing it with the intention of being able to say it on her own very soon.
Then she (babygirl) decided to throw us a curveball.
"Daddy, Daddy! I have a blessing I want to say," she announced before dinner not too long ago.
"Sure go ahead." We all waited for her to stop giggling and she said:
"Dear God, we love you. Thank you for this food. Amen."
My wife loved it and clapped for our daughter. My son loved it as well as it shortened the usual grace by about 45 seconds and allowed him to bury his face in his plate that much quicker. I thought it was cute, but like a Pharisee was skeptical of the "meat and potatoes" of the blessing. Regardless, we've been alternating between hers and "ours" ever since.
Just yesterday it hit me like a bag of bricks: My daughter begins her grace by saying "We love you." I've never said that --- not even once before giving thanks and asking that my meal, anything from a hamburger to a salmon fillet, give me wisdom, health and strength. My little one is giving praise and then thanks. Her little "2-sentence" blessing is more potent than the most long and drawn out "sermons" at the table. It has more meat and potatoes than any I've ever heard to date.
Out of the mouths of babes. She is so ahead of the curve.
E.Payne is the author of Investing In An Emotional Letdown and I Didn't Invented Sex. For the past 3 years he has posted 600+ articles about fatherhood, marriage and everything in between here at Makes Me Wanna To learn more, click here.
Hot Wings: Music From The Movie RIO
RIO on YouTube
RIO on Facebook
RIO Official Website
SynopsisFrom the makers of the hit ICE AGE series comes RIO, a comedy adventure about taking a walk on the wild side. Blu is a domesticated Macaw who never learned to fly, living a comfortable life with his owner and best friend Linda in the small town of Moose Lake, Minnesota. Blu and Linda think he’s the last of his kind, but when they learn about another Macaw who lives in Rio de Janeiro, they head to the faraway and exotic land to find Jewel, Blu’s female counterpart. Not long after they arrive, Blu and Jewel are kidnapped by a group of bungling animal smugglers. With the help of street smart Jewel, and a group of wise-cracking and smooth-talking city birds, Blu escapes. Now, with his new friends by his side, Blu will have to find the courage to learn to fly, thwart the kidnappers who are hot on their trail, and return to Linda, the best friend a bird ever had.
Disclosure: This is a press post.